error-message on DeviantArt

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Journal 001



I'm an idiot. I tried to use the faq's in order to customize my own journal and I failed miserably so I decided to make my own.

the following reads as so. . .

Its been a hell of a year as far as design is concern. This year was the first time I’ve ever posted my work on the web. With the combined exposure I've received from Bittbox and deviantART, I've gained many friends from all points of the globe. Design is truly an international affair with unlimited boundaries.

The future can be as scary as a troubled past or as bright as a new beginning. Either way there is always something there waiting for you. It’s up to you to find out what it truly is. Setting goals and exercising ambition are one of the main ingredients in realizing what this gift MIGHT be . . . however you’ll probably never really know for sure. I myself have absolutely no clue. What I do know is that I want to leave a legacy. I want my work to speak louder than I ever could. And in doing so, inspire nations to express themselves to their full capacity and bring as many people with me as I can.

Care to join me? When armed with creativity, we can do anything.

error message

thanks for your time
Image size
613x794px 327.86 KB
© 2007 - 2024 error-message
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eniangobi's avatar
This is Amazing!!! love how the colours complement each other and that Font is amazing!! waht is it?
this is inspirational! Keep it up :D